Project HENRI Hydrogen energy reservoir
R&D phase of the project
The project will begin with definition of criteria for selection of suitable geological structures for H2 large-scale storage. These criteria could be then used in different countries based on local conditions.
More about R&D phaseFID phase of the project
In the second (FID) phase of the project, based on the results of the first (R&D) phase, the pilot plant technology (H2 production via electrolysis, gas metering, gas treating facility, compressors etc.)
More about FID phaseNews
The 2nd HENRI Conference
has successfully concluded, and I would like to thank all participants for their active involvement. Our partners and researchers highlighted the progress we’ve made in the project, along with the initial results. The presentations from the conference are now available for download on the project web page, and I look forward to sharing more updates from behind…
HENRI´s 2nd conference
In August, we held an internal workshop where we discussed our latest findings on the effects of hydrogen on cap rock, reservoir rock, and the outcomes of microbial reactions. I’ll be sharing more detailed insights at the upcoming HENRI Conference in Bratislava on September 19th. If you’re interested in attending, feel free to reach out –…
2nd meeting of hydrogen IPCEI projects
On the 5th and 6th of December 2023, the 2nd meeting of hydrogen IPCEI projects took place in Berlin. The program was divided into two parts. The first part was attended by representatives of individual projects, representatives of various countries, as well as representatives of the EU Commission. During this part, the EU Commission representative (DG…